As I mentioned on my Facebook page a week or so ago, Flynn and I went on our annual family river trip last week. We did it last year as well, and it was . . . rough. Hard on him, hard for me. The trip last year was only a few months after his diagnosis, and I was having a hard time managing my own emotions, as well as his. This time I was ready.
Flynn did amazing! By the last day on the river he was tired and struggling, but he pulled through and did awesome. I'll start at the beginning.
We left after a night at my parents' house, which is nearer to the airport than our own. Flynn had his headphones on as soon as we got out of the car. I did curbside check-in for our luggage and, after talking to a airport volunteer, got sent through the staff security check-in line with an escort all the way through security. It was awesome. I told them he had autism and we needed an expedited route through security and we were through to the gates in 3 minutes.
Waiting at the gate with his fidget. Headphones off for the moment. |
We took advantage of the pre-boarding for every plane, and the flights were smooth and painless. He likes flying, but also needs to be entertained. Thank God for iPads.... He kept his headphones on for most of the flights and throughout the entire trip home. I think it's more a security thing than anything else, as he tolerates noise better than he used to. Or maybe I'm just used to his sensitivity and am underestimating it as a result. Hmmm.
We arrived in Colorado and my brother met us at the airport. Flynn was happy to see him and was SO entertained by the baggage carousel.
ALL the happy flaps. |
Telling me how it works. |
It was pretty awesome entertainment for the wait.
We stayed the night at my uncle's house, and got on the river the next morning. The river is a good 4 hour drive from my uncle's house: the amount of driving out west is a significant source of anxiety for me on these trips, as Flynn doesn't always do well in the car. However, he did a great job and handled the wait to get on the river well, playing nicely with his cousins the whole time.
Once on the river, he was even better. He did great with the water fights (a huge thing for our family), telling everyone about his "potato gun" which was "11 times more powerful than a regular water gun" (it was a regular water gun). I did not need to be constantly at his side, as I had last year, and he was comfortable on the other boats with the other kids. I could tell he was having some underlying anxiety because he was chewing his lips pretty badly, but he held himself together well.
Flynn laughing about a joke with my brother (in the background with the hat) and two family friends. |
My Uncle John, with his guitar. |
So.... then my phone died. Others, more prepared than I, took a million pictures. Here are a few good ones.
Flynn and I at our first camp ground. |
Flynn batting and my brother catching. Ball in flight. |
Flynn playing with his uncle Paul. |
Sunset on the San Juan, Big Stick campground. |
After four days on the river we got off and drove to a restaurant, a family tradition which we skipped last year. On the way, he was cranky and very clearly in the "rumbling" stage of a pre-meltdown, with lots of anger coming out in bursts. Exhaustion, hunger (thanks, food strike!), and lack of routine were finally catching up to him. At the restaurant the rumbling continued. I ordered a massive pile of food as soon as we were seated and asked the waitress to bring it as soon as possible. She didn't, and he spilled a glass of water and melted, sobbing hysterically into my chest.
But sometimes a meltdown is the outlet he needs: he'd been holding it together for so long and he just needed to get it out. After his tears he was fine. The food arrived and he ate more than I've ever seen him eat.
The drive back home was easy, and we slept well that night, waking to get on a plane early the next morning. He was a rock star the whole trip back, even with the nearly two hour delay while we waited for luggage.
Brief stop in Denver to touch these lights. |
Waiting for bags. Thank god we stopped for fries and apple juice. |
Lesson learned: never check a bag.
Getting back to his routine the last couple of days has been hard, as I expected, but it was a great trip and we are looking forward to next year. Thanks to all the friends and family who made it possible.
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